Información de viaje y vídeo de Sevilla ciudad

Información para vacaciones, datos, fotos y vídeos sobre Sevilla ciudad

Opiniones acerca de Sevilla ciudad

Promedio de calificaciones generales - Basado en 69 opiniones


Josée Stienstra

Casas de vacaciones destacadas en Andalucía


Seville or ‘Sevilla’ is the capital of the autonomous community of Andalusia, situated in the province of the same name; it lies on the banks of the River Guadalquivir. It is one
of the largest historical centres of Europe. It is also the best city to visit if you want to savour the Andalusian way of life in its purest form. Seville
manages to combine the atmosphere of old Spain with a twist of modernity.

The city has ‘enjoying oneself’ down to an art form, with the best tapas bars in Andalusia, great
nightlife and an eclectic mix of stylish fashionistas and authentic ‘Sevillanos’. With all walks of life mingling into one and appreciating the other’s company.

If you enjoy delving into local folklore and history when you are on holiday, then you will love Seville. According to legend, Hercules, the famous Greek hero, founded Seville. Then when the Romans came to Spain, it was given the Latin name of Hispalis under the Romans and when the Arab Moors invaded Spain, it was renamed Isbiliya and you can see their influence throughout the city.

Cultural Seville
Seville heralds as the birthplace to the two bastions of Andalusian culture – Bullfighting and Flamenco.  Cross over the river away from the city centre and you find yourself in the La Triana quarter; here countless artists, bull fighters and flamenco artists, both past and present were born and lived here. It was the old ‘Gitano’ gypsy quarter until the 1950s and is considered the spiritual heart of Flamenco.

About town
Aside from the passion, history and culture of the city, Seville when you get down to it, is a beautiful and alluring city. With its narrow, winding, medieval lanes and hidden idyllic
plazas soaked in the scent of Orange Blossom. In fact Seville has managed to keep the historic city centre free of traffic with only horse and carriage, trams and bicycles allowed through the centre, which retains the city’s aged charm. 

Places to visit
The city has a remarkable abundance of beautiful and historic architecture and as the city has had an
economic boost in recent years you will find it’s historic city centre in perfect condition:  the minaret of La Giralda, the cathedral (one of the largest in Christendom) and the Alcazar Palace.

Seville’s treasure trove of historical monuments also includes the Casa de Pilatos, Torre del Oro, the Town Hall, the Archive of the Indies (where the historical records of the American continent are kept) and the Fine Arts Museum (the second largest picture gallery in Spain), plus convents, parish churches and palaces galore.

Seville celebrates the most dramatic and moving
Semana Santa (Easter Week) and the most frivolous and exciting annual  feria (fair) that
takes place in April.

Eating out

If eating out and trying new cuisine is high on your holiday agenda, then Seville is an excellent place to visit. It’s brimming with bars and restaurants; although Sevillanos are not big diners out, ‘ir de tapeo’ (to go out for Tapas) is more the culture in Seville. Some bars have literally 100s of tapas on their menus. It’s incredible to see the countless dishes on display in the tabernas & bars. 

The summer months in Seville, get blazing hot, on some days during July and August, reaching past 40 degrees. The winters are mild, although can be
slightly cooler than down on the Mediterranean coastline of Malaga.

Cosas para hacer mientras está aquí

Opiniones acerca de Sevilla ciudad

Promedio de calificaciones generales - Basado en 69 opiniones

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